2018: A New Year Resolution

         For the start of the new year I thought that I would make a resolution different than something that I normally would do. I want to do something more meaningful to me than "eating healthier" or "working out everyday". For 2018 I want to make an effort to not just meet new people but to deeply learn about new people.
         I want to avoid meaningless small talk or avoid isolating myself from any conversation at all. I want to learn about people, and talk to them about everything. I want to talk about my life, their life, their favorite things, and people, and stories. I want to know their hopes and dreams for their future and the future of the world. I want to hear their bucket list, their goals and plans for this year, what they love, what they hate. Who they love/ don't particularly like. I want to hear about people's favorite movies, and songs, and books, where they see themselves in a few years, where they want to live, where they want to travel, where they have previously travelled. I want to know what they want to do for fun, or about their childhood or some of their favorite memories, their best of times, and their worst of times. I just want to talk and get to know and built relationships with people. I want to be able to have these conversations while deepening my understanding for life.
        There is so much that you can learn from other people, from their experiences and their story. For 2018 I just want to challenge myself to allow myself to open up to people and be trusting of them with my story and my life. I hope to meet new people and broaden my perspective of the people around me, and hopefully understand their life a little better.

**On another note..
        Although I want to have these relationships with people, I also want to make an effort to cut out the toxic people and toxic relationships that I have in my life. 2017 brought a lot of challenges in the people that I met. Not everyone is going to have the best intentions, and I had tried really hard to overlook past their imperfections and accept them as a "friend" anyways, and i'm realizing that that acceptance was more hurtful than anything to both parties. I thought that it would make me a better person if I could rise above and try to be there for them anyways, but the negativity from those relationships were pretty overpowering. These past few weeks back home in San Antonio, where I have been surrounded by my friends and family who love me have reminded me what healthy relationships are. It's not that I would ever wish anything negative on those who hurt me, I want the best for them and for them to become the best versions of themselves, but I think that I have decided that I am not going to sacrifice my happiness to meet theirs anymore. I need to work on myself and my mental health and happiness, and I know that it will bring some struggles, but I think that overall I can have a much better year and achieve these new deep relationships that I crave.


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